Concrete mixer

Concrete mixer
Concrete mixer

Friday 15 July 2011

Digital Photography

 Basically we are going to start by the simple terms, understanding definitions of terms. Surely one cannot be a photographer without understanding what an aperture is, or your shutter release button. So our first discussion will be understanding photography terms.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Also the other thing is to understand  

What is a DSLR camera?

DSLR stands for “digital single-lens reflex”.  It is a bit more advanced than a simple point-and-click camera, and has the following identifiable features:
  • It resembles a 35mm camera.
  • The ISO, aperture and shutter speed can be put into full manual mode and controlled simultaneously 
  • A DSLR has interchangeable lenses which allows for a greater variety of results.

Underneath are some of the topics we will visit at a some stage after we master our terms of photography. 
  * Aperture
Shutter speed
 * Understanding light the way your camera does
Using basic flash
Basic photo editing techniques 

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